The Artistry of Winemaking & Blending: Spotlight on Alison Doran

By: Peter Posert

Winemaking is an art of taste. Experience and sensory training inform how every wine is crafted. In Napa Valley, Alison Doran stands as one of the most knowledgeable and respected winemakers, now considered an elder stateswoman in the craft. Her inspiring journey serves as a beacon, particularly for young women contemplating a career in the world of wine.

 Alison's immersion in the wine industry began early in her life. During the 1960s, her father acquired the renowned Simi Estate when she was just a child. Roaming through the vineyards, cellars, and labs, she absorbed knowledge about the wine growing seasons and worked alongside her father, cultivating her passion for winemaking. To this day, she possesses a remarkable ability to discern a vine's variety from the fragrance of its blossoms in June, a skill few winemakers can match.

 During the late '60s, Alison found guidance from the esteemed Andre Tchelistcheff, considered the grandfather of America's wine industry, who directed her early career and facilitated her first lab positions in Europe and California, as he did for many others. In the mid-1970s, she became one of the first female graduates of the wine program at UC Davis. Within a few short years, she ascended to the position of Winemaker in 1981, marking 42 harvests ago. Later, in the early 2000s, she became Levendi Winery's inaugural winery hire in Napa Valley.

 "Napa Valley offers an incredible opportunity for site-specific winemaking. With numerous appellations and unique microclimates, soils, and terroir to explore, every year presents its own challenges," Doran enthused. "Yet, the joy lies in achieving some flavor consistency for the market, which is where winemaking and blending come into play."

 Blending with Alison is akin to attending a masterclass in nuanced and balanced winemaking. On one hand, she understands that the less a wine is blended, the more it showcases the distinctive characteristics of the vineyard and vintage. On the other hand, there is a business aspect to consider — meeting the demand for consistent flavors often requires more blending. Napa Valley winemakers must strike a delicate balance, ensuring both uniqueness and consistency in every bottle.

 For over two decades, Doran has crafted exquisite wines at Levendi, earning high ratings. While she oversees every aspect of the wine growing process, including cluster counts, harvest dates, and cellar techniques, it is the final blending and finishing stages that ignite her passion the most. She employs a strategy of pinpoint accuracy when blending wines. "At the outset, you must define your vision for a wine. Each wine carries expectations of flavor and intensity, while also reflecting its origin, site, and varietal. Site-specific winemaking is our ultimate goal," Doran stated.

Blending, even when incorporating minute percentages of one wine into a base wine, remains one of the enigmatic aspects of winemaking, requiring sensitive training and years of experience. "I only blend when necessary. I allow the vineyard to establish the foundational flavors, and then I create wines that are harmonious," Doran explained. "Yet, when the flavors 'lock in' consistently, it brings an overwhelming sense of joy."


It is the discerning palate and extensive experience of winemakers like Alison Doran that truly elevate the wines they produce, making them a delightful experience for all.


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